Robert Janelle

Freelance Writer/Editor/Proofreader

Robert Janelle


Independent Proofreader and Copyeditor

March 2016 - Present

Contributing Writer

May 2005 - May 2016

National Capital Scan, Ottawa ON

August 2006 - February 2009

Columnist/Feature Writer

Kingston Whig-Standard, Kingston, ON

March 2006-April 2006

Editorial Intern

Ottawa Citizen, Ottawa, ON

December 2005

Apprentice Reporter

Iroquois Chieftain, Iroquois, ON

May 2005 - September 2005



  • Second Place: Best Student Feature Writing, Ontario Community Newspaper Assocation - 2005
  • Second Place: Best Student Photography, Ontario Community Newspaper Association - 2005


Algonquin College, Ottawa, Ontario 2004-2006

  • Diploma, Jounalism
  • Assistant Managing Editor, The Algonquin Times