Robert Janelle
Independent Proofreader and Copyeditor
March 2016 - Present
- Provide proofreading and editing services to a variety of clients on a freelance basis, including magazines, newspapers and news sites, authors and others.
Contributing Writer
May 2005 - May 2016
- Reported and wrote for a variety of publications including The Escapist, Ottawa Citizen, Ottawa Sun, Ottawa Business Journal, Kingston Whig-Standard, among others.
National Capital Scan, Ottawa ON
August 2006 - February 2009
Columnist/Feature Writer
- Worked independently to find and report interesting stories within Ottawaís high-tech sector
- Focused reporting on emerging social media technologies and trends
Kingston Whig-Standard, Kingston, ON
March 2006-April 2006
Editorial Intern
- Reported and wrote multiple articles per day while researching longer features
- Compiled daily history column from microfilm archives
Ottawa Citizen, Ottawa, ON
December 2005
Apprentice Reporter
- Provided support reporting to veteran staff reporters while working on other stories independently
- Covered a variety of topics across Ottawa, ranging from hard news, politics, agriculture and business
- Adapted to a fast-paced daily newsroom filling in for vacationing reporters
Iroquois Chieftain, Iroquois, ON
May 2005 - September 2005
- Provided articles, art and layout design for the weekly paper
- Worked independently, covering all aspects of life in South Dundas
- Was made acting editor of the paper during regular editorís vacation
- Second Place: Best Student Feature Writing, Ontario Community Newspaper Assocation - 2005
- Second Place: Best Student Photography, Ontario Community Newspaper Association - 2005
Algonquin College, Ottawa, Ontario
- Diploma, Jounalism
- Assistant Managing Editor, The Algonquin Times